Monday, October 16, 2006

Learning about Submission

Hello me,

I thought I might chronicle my search for the meaning of life. Image Well, maybe not quite that heavy - but a search for God's meaning for me - a woman in 2006. That's not an easy place to be! On the one hand - I was single for many years, raising a family, pursuing a career, and balancing that with working on a Master's degree. It lead to a necessity of being independent and self-reliant. Those aren't bad things at all. But I found a quote that summed up the direction I was headed "I am becoming the man I always wanted to marry." That described me a "T." I was all those things I had been looking for - success oriented, hard working, forward thinking, reliable and provided security for those around me.

Then, in 2004, I got married. Well, that caused an about face in my lifestyle (in more ways than one! Image ) We dated (long distance) for 5 years, and talked a lot about what marriage meant to each of us. We talked about dreams (unfulfilled) we had always had about what godly marriage was - and then looked at several biblical examples of marriage as a base.

We both see the Bible as a historical tracing of God's working in the lives of his people throughout time. Everything written is certainly for our benefit (to learn more about Him and what He desires from His people) but not as a blueprint for us to follow today. We learn much about God from the OT - but those recorded experiences He had with folks are not ours. Each of us has our own experience with him - just as a parent does with each of his children.

For instance - almost unheard of today - why did Sarah call Abraham "lord?" Would that be marriage material today? It is certainly not a command, but why did she do that? What kind of marriage did they have that brought her to that place? Since it is mentioned - was it a rather odd thing that she called him that compared to other women of her day? What kind of man was Abraham that brought her to a place to recognize him as such?

What does it mean that I am to submit to my husband as unto the Lord? I've recently had some thoughts on that - certainly not ones that are popular in today's mainstream culture - however it doesn't take much of a look at today's culture to see that it is in turmoil and destroying itself. I don't believe I would waste too much time worrying about whether my understandings and views fit in.

What does it mean that my husband is to love me as Christ loves the church? Is my submission something that I am totally responsible for - a command of "Do this or die!" or is this a partnership with both sides having responsibility in the maturing product of godly submission. Are both actually to submit to one another?

What does it mean that my body belongs to him? And his to me?

These and other questions are what I will be working through. I just thought I'd put it here in case someone else has thoughts along the same line or would like to stretch my thinking further. I love that. :)